Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Gifts

These past two days the Cupp family and Hurley family joined forces to hand out 300 bags of sugar to the three villages that surround the SOS property. It was eye opening in many ways. First, we traveled deeper into the bush than we've been before, and the living conditions of most are very extreme. Most of the people live in one or two room huts with dirt floors and no running water or electricity. As we visited each home, most of the people were very appreciative of our small act  of kindness and thanked us in Lugandan several times before we left. It is our hope and prayer that this would not only demonstrate Christ's love but also endear us to the people of this area so that we would have more open doors. As we returned from our trip tired and dirty, our hearts were filled with joy; it is truly, "more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35). Thank you for your participation in this through your prayer and support!

Jen and Kids handing out candy
Jen, Ethan, and Danielle delivering
Christmas gifts

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