Monday, February 4, 2013

Kicking Off Adult Sunday School

Damon Teaching OT Survey
This past Sunday Community Bible Church of Kubamitwe started Sunday School. Up until now, the facilities would not allow for multiple Sunday School classes, but now that we are in our new building we can facilitate different classes. We are offering three adult classes: a basic discipleship class, a class on Romans, and a survey of the Old Testament. We have had an amazing response: 80%+ of the adults who attend church were at Sunday School last week. It is our prayer that God would give His people here a rich understanding of His Word.

The School Building Is Finished!

The Teachers and Administration
Praise the Lord that the school building is finished. The building is very nice for such a remote village, and the curriculum is excellent as well. We are at capacity for this year and have a waiting list. The teachers are all going through a discipleship program and are very excited about teaching at Legacy. We asked one what her impressions were of SOS Ministries, and she said that this is one the most loving places she's ever experienced. We praise the Lord for all of those (like you!) who have made all this possible.  Our students are not only getting a quality education (far better than what they could have hoped for otherwise) but they are being taught the Bible and what it means to be a Christian. Please continue to pray for us and our teachers as we strive to leave a legacy here in the village of Kubamitwe.